Monday, September 13, 2010

buka bersama SOLID

ah nulis dulu ah
hari ini hari senin 13 september 2010
6 hari yang lalu adalah hari selasa 7 september 2010
di hari itu...
saya dan keluarga besar SOLID >>science one love in demon<< mengadakan BUBER PARTY at ILHAM resto pinngir dalan jogja solo.. kesan pesan setelah beberapa bulan gk ktemu niih,,,, qta tetep kompak ,, rame ... yg psti msih ajaaa narsis !! dari 40 personil "solider" yang hadir 32 solider..
mari kita absen ych ::
*solider 01 = :( msh kuliah UGM"geografi lingkungan" dan kejebak ujan d jogja dan tdk memungkinkan untk k klaten .. ajeng jaPON !!! semangat kuliah yach''..
*solider 02 = in wanted !!!!!! blum ada yang taw keberadaannya sampe sekarang,, CELY ..we miss u !!
*solider 03 = -.- msh kuliah UNS"kimia mipa" juga dan lanjuud ngerjain tugas brsm tmen" kuliahnya .. diTA !!! tetep waspada !!lhoooH...
*solider 04 = HADIR !!!!! architek"UNS" girl >>AZKA
*solider 05 = HADIR ,, tapi nelat luammmaaaa... yach nama ny jg br pulang dr ATMI lngsung k TKP >tersangka : bemby
*solider 06 = tentu HADIR ,, sg gae undangan si.. tjaa fisika "UNS" bo.. >admin : BENTuuD
*solider 07 = HADIR .. tetap sj freak .. hehe piss mas.. 'anak IT TELKOM j' :: burDIN
*solider 08 = HADIR .. brsm genk QUMAL tentunya.. ten" ahir na d poltekes jgja >TeeNN-TeeNN
*solider 09 = tak adoo .. saat d telpon kt nyo lg d gramedia .. searching buku kale' ,, wad belajaaarr :D ,,nak STAN akunt gtoo --> ok 'DZ' ?
*solider 10 = HADIR dengan baby face nya.. kecil" D1 STAN jgja looH ,, >>ETdEEhh
*solider 11 = HADIR !! dg gaya lama ny.. dan mjd anak IT "UNS" D3 >>JiMMy
*solider 12 = ABSENt" .. t'ahir ngaku nya msh kuliah d ATMI dan pulang sudah sore jd tk memungkinkan tuk pulang .. >>GeBLEKK
*solider 13 = HADIR !! pastinya ,,dengan kehadiran sang solider17 dy gk mao ketinggalan.. anak statistik UNDIP >>GALIH
*solider 14 = HADIR !! ,, pasti hadir kalo sang solider35 hadir jg ..anak ekonomi pembanguna "UNS" >>koPiiDD
*solider 15 = HADIR !! yg inii tak mao ketinggalan event" spt nii... nak Tehnologi panagn "UNS" >>JaRR_cruTT
*solider 16 = HADIR !! Lah ... sang ketua getoo jadi ahli perkapalan ITS >>KOLID pujO
*solider 17 = HADIR !! pastinya ,,dengan kehadiran sang solider13 dy gk mao ketinggalan.. ahli matematik "UNS" >>ATiecK
*solider 18 = HADIR !! calon bu dokter gt luH dr UMY >>MONIK
*solider 19 = ABSEN ! ,,kt nya sch ada kegiatan desa dan dy ketuanya...ych ych..jd ketua kudu tanggung jawab nho ya... anak te.KIM UGM boo >>MiNTthuLL
*solider 20 = HADIR !!! tak mao ketinggalan selama acara makan".. anak farmasy UGM boo >>KAMtenk
*solider 21 = HADIR !! calon bu dokter jugaH dr UMY jugah >>nitHAMi
*solider 22 = HADIR !! ahli meteorologi geofisika AMG ..sekolah kedinasan yang dy impi impi kan >>NJ
*solider 23 = HADIR !! ahli statistik soko UGM boo >>NOPEE
*solider 24 = HADIR !! kabarnya dy sbg sponsor sebagian... anak teh.komunikasi >>SARI
*solider 25 = HADIR !! dikira na jadi bu guLu ,,tak tau nya akuntan STAN ! >>ino_rosi
*solider 26 = HADIR !! nak teh,linkungan UNDIP >>tiWi
*solider 27 = HADIR !! calon bu dokter ugaa ,,UII,, >>pus.deW
*solider 28 = HADIR !! ahli akuntant dr UNDIP >>riana_once
*solider 29 = HADIR !! anak IT UNDIP neyy >>rizka
*solider 30 = HADIR !!!!!!!!dounKKK moment baguss iniiH >>saiaa MANT_MANZZ_cRiit :)
*solider 31 = HADIR !! agrotehno nya UNS >>saMM si kembaRR
*solider 32 = HADIR !! sang kameramen.. zLalu bw kamera ,,anak STAN >>STEPPY
*solider 33 = HADIR !! yg ini gk mao ketinggalan.. anak tataboga UNES satu satu nya dr smansa >>tiREn
*solider 34 = ABSEN !! maybe kuliah ATMI jugah .. >>congiyy
*solider 35 = HADIR !! ada karena solider16 ada .ahli hukum UNS >>VO_phiLL_cROOtt
*solider 36 = ABSEN !! entah kemane ,, kt ne da acara laenn ..anak poltekes jogja >>pak uztad_yogi'
*solider 37 = HADIR !! memeriahkan yg bntar lg ke balikpapan wad sekolah D1 ny STAN >>PPC_yudO
*solider 38 = ABSEN !!selaluuu aja.. gk pnah nongoLL gk bs d hubungin stiap da evenT,,anak pelosok kale yeee.. tp d STAN looh >>zusa'

naahhh mereka2 personel warga SOLID

setelah sekian luamaaaaaa kira" 2 bulan gk ktemu...ahir_na qta d pertemukan juga ,, dan apa coba yang qta obrolin sepanjang buber ??
provesi !! yach provesi masing2 dari kita .. olok olok an profesi apa yng paling bnayak berperan..
dan juda kampus kita...kampus paling pelosok lah mendomisili..
yang di kuta kuta itu hanya beberapa .. jd anggap aja mreka yang kuliah d kutHA kalah suara..

uda AAH";


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

pusing nihh liat buannyak tulisan -.-
b'hubung uda ngantuck" ,, saia copy_paste adjah dr om GOOGle..
nih,, paradox zeno :
Zeno’s Paradox of the Tortoise and Achilles

eno of Elea (circa 450 b.c.) is credited with creating several famous paradoxes, but by far the best known is the paradox of the Tortoise and Achilles. (Achilles was the great Greek hero of Homer's The Iliad.) It has inspired many writers and thinkers through the ages, notably Lewis Carroll and Douglas Hofstadter, who also wrote dialogues involving the Tortoise and Achilles.
The original goes something like this:

The Tortoise challenged Achilles to a race, claiming that he would win as long as Achilles gave him a small head start. Achilles laughed at this, for of course he was a mighty warrior and swift of foot, whereas the Tortoise was heavy and slow.
“How big a head start do you need?” he asked the Tortoise with a smile.
“Ten meters,” the latter replied.
Achilles laughed louder than ever. “You will surely lose, my friend, in that case,” he told the Tortoise, “but let us race, if you wish it.”
“On the contrary,” said the Tortoise, “I will win, and I can prove it to you by a simple argument.”
“Go on then,” Achilles replied, with less confidence than he felt before. He knew he was the superior athlete, but he also knew the Tortoise had the sharper wits, and he had lost many a bewildering argument with him before this.
“Suppose,” began the Tortoise, “that you give me a 10-meter head start. Would you say that you could cover that 10 meters between us very quickly?”
“Very quickly,” Achilles affirmed.
“And in that time, how far should I have gone, do you think?”
“Perhaps a meter – no more,” said Achilles after a moment's thought.
“Very well,” replied the Tortoise, “so now there is a meter between us. And you would catch up that distance very quickly?”
“Very quickly indeed!”
“And yet, in that time I shall have gone a little way farther, so that now you must catch that distance up, yes?”

“Ye-es,” said Achilles slowly.
“And while you are doing so, I shall have gone a little way farther, so that you must then catch up the new distance,” the Tortoise continued smoothly.
Achilles said nothing.
“And so you see, in each moment you must be catching up the distance between us, and yet I – at the same time – will be adding a new distance, however small, for you to catch up again.”
“Indeed, it must be so,” said Achilles wearily.
“And so you can never catch up,” the Tortoise concluded sympathetically.
“You are right, as always,” said Achilles sadly – and conceded the race.
Zeno's Paradox may be rephrased as follows. Suppose I wish to cross the room. First, of course, I must cover half the distance. Then, I must cover half the remaining distance. Then, I must cover half the remaining distance. Then I must cover half the remaining distance . . . and so on forever. The consequence is that I can never get to the other side of the room.
What this actually does is to make all motion impossible, for before I can cover half the distance I must cover half of half the distance, and before I can do that I must cover half of half of half of the distance, and so on, so that in reality I can never move any distance at all, because doing so involves moving an infinite number of small intermediate distances first.
Now, since motion obviously is possible, the question arises, what is wrong with Zeno? What is the "flaw in the logic?" If you are giving the matter your full attention, it should begin to make you squirm a bit, for on its face the logic of the situation seems unassailable. You shouldn't be able to cross the room, and the Tortoise should win the race! Yet we know better. Hmm.
Rather than tackle Zeno head-on, let us pause to notice something remarkable. Suppose we take Zeno's Paradox at face value for the moment, and agree with him that before I can walk a mile I must first walk a half-mile. And before I can walk the remaining half-mile I must first cover half of it, that is, a quarter-mile, and then an eighth-mile, and then a sixteenth-mile, and then a thirty-secondth-mile, and so on. Well, suppose I could cover all these infinite number of small distances, how far should I have walked? One mile! In other words,

At first this may seem impossible: adding up an infinite number of positive distances should give an infinite distance for the sum. But it doesn't – in this case it gives a finite sum; indeed, all these distances add up to 1! A little reflection will reveal that this isn't so strange after all: if I can divide up a finite distance into an infinite number of small distances, then adding all those distances together should just give me back the finite distance I started with. (An infinite sum such as the one above is known in mathematics as an infinite series, and when such a sum adds up to a finite number we say that the series is summable.)
Now the resolution to Zeno's Paradox is easy. Obviously, it will take me some fixed time to cross half the distance to the other side of the room, say 2 seconds. How long will it take to cross half the remaining distance? Half as long – only 1 second. Covering half of the remaining distance (an eighth of the total) will take only half a second. And so one. And once I have covered all the infinitely many sub-distances and added up all the time it took to traverse them? Only 4 seconds, and here I am, on the other side of the room after all.
And poor old Achilles would have won his race.

>>hee... inggris nih"-"